
Liz Alperin Solms

Co-Founder and Principal

Liz has been working for 25 years as a trusted partner— “being there” for leaders at the moments they are ready to cross thresholds. It might be —co-creating new strategic direction, shifting culture, activating collective leadership, creating a future that is distinct from the past. She takes great joy in creating the conditions for people to access their innate wisdom, see the humanity in each other and find the courage to act–even when it’s not perfect. 

Liz is a senior practitioner with the Presencing Institute. She holds a BS degree in industrial engineering from Lehigh University and an MPA from the Harvard Kennedy School. She has worked as an industrial engineer, a Peace Corps teacher, a program officer for a national research and policy organization and a workforce learning consultant. Liz and her husband live  in Philadelphia, PA on the banks of the Schuylkill River–in the same building as her son, brother and four lifelong friends–a “vertical village.”

How do you re-generate? Quiet time. Running or walking in nature– especially among the trees and trails of the Adirondack Mountains or the Schuylkill River. 

What is your superpower? Connecting dots. Caring a lot. 

What’s something interesting about you we wouldn’t otherwise know? I lived for two years on a Pacific island with the most wonderful family as their “village virgin.” I raised more money for the village than all previous village dances– all decorated in hibiscus flowers and dyed chicken feathers.

What is your favorite part of making transformational change in systems, organizations and people? When someone has the guts to speak the truth. The aha’s. Looking back and realizing there’s no going back– we’ve taken a journey together and we are different now. 

What have you learned about the conditions for success? What promotes failure? Nothing we do is a substitute for wise, courageous leadership. 

What is your guilty pleasure? Ice cream. Jeni’s Peanut Butter Chocolate. A little bit every night. 

What’s one thing you’d want people to know about the Insyte Team? We have heart. And we get results. 

Best testimonial? “You Insyte Partners ladies are a bunch of empathetic bad-assess.”