Our Values

Our Values

In everything we do, our commitment is to create the conditions through which people can experience what we all crave in society today:
    • Dignity—the feeling of inherent value and worth of each of us as individuals that helps us access all of our knowing, so we can learn and grow and have our voices heard. This, combined with mindset and practices of diversity and inclusion, create the conditions for an organization or ecosystem to gain the kind of insight needed for breakthrough action.
    • Source—the ability to see what lies “under the waterline” of the proverbial iceberg to get at  root causes for the symptoms we face (including power and privilege in society), as well as tapping into our own deep motivations. 
    • Intuition—valuing the more subtle forms of “knowing,” including the language of the heart and embodied knowledge, as valid and essential to closing the gap between knowing and doing. 
    • Relationships—it’s an old adage that relationships are built at the speed of trust, and a newer insight that social change happens at the speed of relationships. We pay attention to “the space between” as material for transformation. 
    • Social Justice–the systems and habits that stand in the way of equity and justice for all people are baked into society, public policy and personal unexamined assumptions. We take opportunities to see, heal or address those harms through our work. 
    • Hope–In a world of confusion and cynicism, we choose hope. Because too much is at stake to not keep coming home to hope as a source of grounding for us.
    • Results—We are proud of the capacity we have to draw out deep insight through conversations and experiences and generating meaningful results, decisions and action.  That is our hallmark.
chrissie and trevor power
Graphic recording by Chrissie Bonner and Trevor Fraley, Illustrating Progress