
Nancy Aronson

Consultant Partner

Nancy has partnered with leaders in organizations and communities since the 1980’s.  Her clients have had one thing in common: they wanted to make a difference.  They have found that addressing today’s complex challenges, fulfilling their organization’s missions and creating desired outcomes requires deeper levels of collaboration and engagement. They realize that the landscape is continually shifting, problems are intertwined, and innovation requires new ways of bringing people together to explore possibilities in a wholistic, systemic way.  The methods and approaches have evolved over time. The appreciation for courageous leaders and committed colleagues remained a constant!

Nancy has a PhD in applied learning theory.  She is a Clinical Assistant Professor and Assistant Director, Organization Development Leadership Programs at Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine.  She is a city girl living in Malvern, PA. 

How do you re-generate? Taking walks, playing tennis and running around like a kid, walking a golf course, hanging out with friends and family; learning new things.

What do you hope never changes post-COVID? My commitment to getting out to walk daily — rain or shine.  

What is your superpower? I tend to look at people and situations with an appreciative eye.  I can be serious without taking myself too seriously. (A by-product of starting my career as a 7th grade teacher!)

What’s something interesting about you we wouldn’t otherwise know? My college roommate and I spent the year after college finding a job in Germany on an American army base, working for 6 months and then traveling all over Europe in an old champaign delivery van that had been converted for travel.  An adventure for sure!

What is the question your life seeks to answer? How do we keep evolving our ability to learn?

What have you learned about the conditions for success? I’m still with Marv Weisbord: committed leadership, energized people (enough people out of denial), and an opportunity.

What is your guilty pleasure? A chocolate ice cream cone (sugar cone) with chocolate sprinkles.

Favorite place on the planet? I love to travel….It might be Florence, Italy…sitting in a cafe with house wine, good bread…

What’s one thing you’d want people to know about the Insyte Team?  They are avid learners. They have been thought leaders in applying Theory U to strategic work with organizations and communities.